ursa = require 'ursa'
key = require './key'
Commitments are a cryptographic method of allowing somebody to “commit” to a value without revealing what that value is (confidential). Later in time, they admit the value that they committed to and a “decommitment” so third parties can verify that they have not tried to change the value they committed to initially.
ursa = require 'ursa'
key = require './key'
Makes a commitment. Returns the pair (commitment, decommitment). As above indicates, the commitment should be published immediately. The decommitment should be published along with the commited item later in time.
is the value to be commited to. (I choose heads.) (Buffer)exports.make = (info) ->
privKey = key.createPrivate()
sig = privKey.hashAndSign 'sha512', info
[sig, privKey.toPublicPem()]
Verifies a commitment. Returns true or false.
is the candidate value admitted by the committer. (He says he chose
heads.) (Buffer)commitment
is the commitment they published. (Buffer)decommitment
is the value published with the candidate as proof of
commitment.exports.verify = (candidate, commitment, decommitment) ->
pubKey = ursa.createPublicKey decommitment
pubKey.hashAndVerify 'sha512', candidate, commitment