hash = require './hash'
A Merkle Tree is a cryptographic primitive that allows efficient commitment to a set of values.
hash = require './hash'
Manages the Merkle commitment to a set of values.
is the array of values that should be commited to. (Array)alg
is the hash to use. Default sha256. (String)class exports.Committer
constructor: (@vals, @alg = 'sha256') ->
c = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(@vals.length) / Math.log(2)))
c = c - @vals.length # Ensure that @vals.length is a power of two.
i = 0
until i is c
@vals.push '0'
i = 0 # Mask each value.
until i is @vals.length
@vals[i] = hash.chain @vals[i], 1, @alg
Calculates the commitment to the given set of objects. (The head of the Merkle tree.) This is what should be published. It should be noted, this function is deterministic. Given the same set of objects, the same value will be output. If this isn’t desireable, add a random nonce to the end of each commited value. Simply adding a random nonce as one of the commited objects is detectable.
getCommit: ->
lvl = @vals
until lvl.length is 1
[i, tmp] = [0, []]
until i is lvl.length
pair = Buffer.concat [lvl[i], lvl[i + 1]]
v = hash.chain pair, 1, @alg
tmp.push v
i = i + 2
lvl = tmp
return lvl[0]
Calculate a proof of commitment to a certain value.
is the index in the original array of values that a proof should
be drawn for. (Number) getProof: (j) ->
[lvl, proof] = [@vals, []]
until lvl.length is 1
[i, tmp] = [0, []]
until i is lvl.length
if i is j then proof.push [1, lvl[i + 1]]
if (i + 1) is j then proof.push [0, lvl[i]]
if i is j or (i + 1) is j then j = Math.floor(j / 2)
v = hash.chain lvl[i].toString() + lvl[i+1].toString(), 1, @alg
tmp.push v
i = i + 2
lvl = tmp
return proof
Calculate a contracted proof of commitment to several values. This is more efficient than publishing several individual proofs.
is the index in the original array of values that a proof should
be drawn for. (Number) getSeveralProof: (j...) ->
[lvl, proof, rid] = [@vals, [], 0]
lvl[i] = [0, val] for i, val of @vals
lvl[i][0] = 1 for i in j
until lvl.length is 1
[i, tmp] = [0, []]
until i is lvl.length
x = if lvl[i][0] is 0 and lvl[i + 1][0] is 0 then 0 else 1
if lvl[i][0] is 0 and lvl[i + 1][0] is 1
proof.push [rid, i, lvl[i][1]]
else if lvl[i][0] is 1 and lvl[i + 1][0] is 0
proof.push [rid, i + 1, lvl[i + 1][1]]
[t, u] = [lvl[i][1].toString(), lvl[i + 1][1].toString()]
v = hash.chain t + u, 1, @alg
tmp.push [x, v]
i = i + 2
lvl = tmp
return proof
exports.forward = (val, proof, alg = 'sha256') ->
val = hash.chain val, 1, alg
for v in proof
if v[0] is 0
val = hash.chain v[1].toString() + val.toString(), 1, alg
val = hash.chain val.toString() + v[1].toString(), 1, alg
exports.forwardSeveral = (vals, size, proof, alg = 'sha256') ->
vals[i].val = hash.chain vals[i].val, 1, alg for i of vals
[lvl, rid] = [[], 0]
lvl.push '0' until lvl.length is size
lvl[val.id] = val.val for val in vals when val.id < size
until lvl.length is 1
[i, tmp] = [0, []]
until i is lvl.length
[t, u] = [lvl[i].toString(), lvl[i + 1].toString()]
if lvl[i][0] is '0' and lvl[i + 1] isnt '0'
if proof[0][0] is rid and proof[0][1] is i
t = proof[0][2].toString()
else return false # Proof is insufficient/malformed.
else if lvl[i] isnt '0' and lvl[i + 1] is '0'
if proof[0][0] is rid and proof[0][1] is (i + 1)
u = proof[0][2].toString()
else return false # Proof is insufficient/malformed.
if t is '0' or u is '0' then v = '0' # Don't bother.
else v = hash.chain t + u, 1, alg
tmp.push v
i = i + 2
lvl = tmp
if proof.length isnt 0 then return false
Verify a proof of commitment.
is the previously published commitment. (Buffer)val
is the value that is being supposedly proven. (String|Buffer)proof
is the provided proof. (Object)alg
is the hash to use. Default sha256. (String)exports.verify = (commitment, val, proof, alg = 'sha256') ->
val = exports.forward val, proof, alg
val.toString() is commitment.toString()
Verify a proof of commitment to several values.
is the previously published commitment. (String|Buffer)vals
is the array of values that are being proven. (String[]|Buffer[])size
is the size of the foot of the Merkle tree. (Number)proof
is the provided proof. (Object)alg
is the hash to use. Default sha256. (String)exports.verifySeveral = (commitment, vals, size, proof, alg = 'sha256') ->
val = exports.forwardSeveral vals, size, proof, alg
val.toString() is commitment.toString()