crypto = require 'crypto'
stream = require 'stream'
message = require './message'
opse = require './opse'
crypto = require 'crypto'
stream = require 'stream'
message = require './message'
opse = require './opse'
Largely a passthrough stream. It won’t change the data, but it will do some trivial index generation and keep track of the size of the data passed to it. Access Indexer.index to get the properly formed index for the given data, and Indexer.size for the size in bytes of the given data.
is the id of the document being indexed. Document ids should have no
publicly discernable relationship to the document. Random ids are
recommended (but not required). Auto generated ids like from Twitter’s
Snowflake or RethinkDB are fine to use. (Object)class exports.Indexer extends stream.Transform
constructor: (@id) ->
if not this instanceof exports.Indexer
return new exports.Indexer @id this, decodeStrings: true
[@index, @leftover, @size] = [{id: @id, list: {}}, '', 0]
_clean: (word) -> word.toLowerCase().replace /[^a-z0-9]/g, ''
_push: (data) ->
data[i] = @_clean word for i, word of data
for word in data
if @index.list[word]? then ++@index.list[word]
else @index.list[word] = 1
delete @index['']
_transform: (chunk, encoding, done) ->
data = (@leftover + chunk.toString()).split /[\s]/g
@leftover = data.splice(data.length - 1, 1)?[0]
@_push data
@size += chunk.length
@push chunk
_flush: (done) ->
if @leftover.length is 0 then return done()
@_push [@leftover]
@push null
Utility class for a secure single-user search server.
Note: The server utility doesn’t offer any user authentication. Authenticating file/index uploads is strongly recommended (for the obvious reason), but will have to be done by the developer. Searches and and downloads do not require authentication, but it doesn’t hurt.
is the secure index to initialize the server. Use {} if none. To
persist the secure index, before the application is shut down access
Server.index and save the object in a persistent data store. (Object)class exports.Server
constructor: (@index) ->
if not this instanceof exports.Server
return new exports.Server @index
Takes a secure query and returns an array of matching document ids.
a secure query generated by the client. (Object) search: (query) ->
out = []
for dn, trpdrs of query
if not @index[dn]? then return
domain = @index[dn].index
good = (entry) -> entry? and -1 is out.indexOf entry
out.push domain[trpdr] for trpdr in trpdrs when good domain[trpdr]
out.sort (a, b) -> b[1] - a[1]
Attempts to update the secure index. Will either return true, indicating that the update was successful or a merge request telling the client to merge it’s current index with the given index and retry.
is the index domain name. Domain names should have no
publicly discernable relationship to the data under them. It is
recommended (but not required) that they be random. Cannont take the
value sorting
. (String)index
the new secure index supplied by the client. (Object)reps
is the list old domains that this new request will replace.
(Array) update: (domain, index, reps = []) ->
for dn, cand of @index
if <= and reps.indexOf(dn) is -1
return [dn,]
delete @index[dn] for dn in reps
@index[domain] = index
Utility class for a secure multi-user search server.
Note: Same recommendations on authentication as above. However, the server’s state is authenticated, and will throw an error if auth fails.
Note: This utility doesn’t provide anywhere to store things like packed keys, even though providing such a place is recommended. It should be observed that even though the server isn’t allowed to decrypt packed keys and the like, they are signed by document owners and can be verified by the server nevertheless.
is the state provided by the client. (Buffer)index
is the secure index to initialize the server… (See above.)keychain
follows the same format as caesar.message.Encrypter.keys
. The
server’s private key should be in the private
section of the object
(under the name server
). The public key(s) of the document
owner(s) should be in the public
section. (Object)class exports.MultiUserServer extends exports.Server
constructor: (state, @index, @keychain) ->
if not this instanceof exports.MultiUserServer
return new exports.MultiUserServer state, @index, @keychain
if state isnt null then @state state
state: (state) ->
decrypter = new message.Decrypter @keychain, true, 'asym'
decrypter.write state
@stateKey =
(See above.)
search: (query) ->
for domain, trpdrs of query # Decrypt query.
for i, trpdr of trpdrs
decipher = crypto.createDecipher 'aes-256-ctr', @stateKey
decipher.write trpdr, 'base64'
query[domain][i] = 'base64'
super query
Utility class for a secure single-user search client.
is the keyring used to maintain the secure index. The initial value
should be in the form {sorting: caesar.key.createRandom()}
To persist the key ring, before the application is shut down access
Client.keys and save the object in a persistent data store. (Object)class exports.Client
constructor: (@keys) ->
if not this instanceof exports.Client
return new exports.Client @keys
Deletes the information on domains that have been outdated.
is a domain name to delete. (String) outdate: (dns...) -> delete @keys[dn] for dn in dns
createQuery: (word) ->
word = word.substr 0, 28
offset = 28 - word.length
out = {}
for dn, key of @keys when dn isnt 'sorting'
out[dn] = []
i = 0
until i is key[0]
buff = new Buffer 32
buff.fill 0
buff.writeUInt32BE i, 28
buff.write word, offset, word.length
hash = crypto.createHash 'sha256'
hash.end buff
sum =
cipher = crypto.createCipher 'aes-256-cbc', key[1]
cipher.write sum
k = 'base64'
out[dn].push k
Creates a secure index.
is the domain name of the index. See Server.update for more
information on domain names. (String)max
is the size in bytes of the largest document included in the
given index. (Number)index
is an index to secure. (From Indexer or the like). (Object) secureIndex: (domain, max, indexes...) ->
key = crypto.randomBytes 32
index = {} # Merge indexes.
for list in indexes
for word, count of list.list
if index[word]? then index[word].push [, count]
else index[word] = [[, count]]
sindex = {} # Secure index
for word, entries of index
word = word.substr 0, 28
offset = 28 - word.length
for n, entry of entries
buff = new Buffer 32
buff.fill 0
buff.writeUInt32BE n, 28
buff.write word, offset, word.length
hash = crypto.createHash 'sha256'
hash.end buff
sum =
cipher = crypto.createCipher 'aes-256-cbc', key
cipher.write sum
k = 'base64'
entry[1] = opse.encrypt @keys.sorting, entry[1]
sindex[k] = entry
words = Object.keys index # Get an array of the unique words.
docs = [] # Get an array of unique document ids
for word, entries of index
docs.push ent[0] for ent in entries when -1 is docs.indexOf ent[0]
@keys[domain] = [docs.length, key] # Key management.
one = [256, 131072, 50331648] # Pad the secure index.
two = [256, 65536, 16777216]
[threshold, sum, i] = [0, 0, 0]
while threshold <= max
threshold += one[i]
sum += two[i]
threshold = threshold - one[i - 1]
sum = sum - two[i - 1]
sum += Math.floor((max - threshold) / i)
for id in docs
c = 0 # Number of entries in the index that already contain id.
++c for entry in sindex when entry is id
l = sum - c
while l -= 1
buff = new Buffer 32
buff.fill 0
buff.writeUInt32BE docs.length + l, 28
hash = crypto.createHash 'sha256'
hash.end buff
sum =
cipher = crypto.createCipher 'aes-256-cbc', key
cipher.write sum
cipher.end '00000000', 'hex'
data =
k = data.slice(0, 32).toString 'base64'
n = data.slice(32).readUInt32BE(0) % 131072
sindex[k] = [id, n]
shuffle = (array) ->
i = array.length
if i is 0 then return false
bytes = Math.ceil(Math.log(array.length) / (8 * Math.log(2)))
while i -= 1
j = array.length # Guess random numbers until one is in range.
until j < array.length
a = new Buffer 4 # Create new blank buffer.
a.fill 0
b = crypto.randomBytes bytes # Write random 32bit uint.
b.copy a
j = a.readUInt32LE(0) # Read as 32bit uint.
[array[j], array[i]] = [array[i], array[j]] # Swap values.
keys = shuffle Object.keys sindex # Shuffle the secure index.
rsindex = {}
rsindex[key] = sindex[key] for key in keys
docs: docs, index: rsindex
Utility class for a secure multi-user search client.
is the keyring used to maintain the secure index. (See above.)keychain
follows the same format as caesar.message.Encrypter.keys
. The
current user’s private key should be in the private
section of this
object. The document owner(s) should have their own, the server’s, and all
authenticated users’ public keys in the public
section. Other users only
need to have the document owner(s)’ public key(s) in the public
(Object)class exports.MultiUserClient extends exports.Client
constructor: (@keys, @keychain = {}) ->
if not this instanceof exports.MultiUserClient
return new exports.MultiUserClient @keys, @keychain
Calculates a state for the server. Only document owners can call this function. This function’s output authenticates user queries on the server, and should be used to add/revoke user access by adding/removing them from your keychain.
state: ->
key = crypto.randomBytes 32
encrypter = new message.Encrypter @keychain, true, 'asym'
encrypter.write key
Packs the keys used to manage the secure index so that they can be posted publicly and unpacked by other authorized users. Only document owners can call this function.
packKeys: ->
out = {}
server = @keychain.server
delete @keychain.server
encrypter = new message.Encrypter @keychain, true, 'asym'
encrypter.write new Buffer JSON.stringify @keys
@keychain.server = server
Unpacks the keys used to manage the secure index. Any user can call this function.
is the encrypted keychain to unpack. (Buffer) unpackKeys: (packed) ->
server = @keychain.server
delete @keychain.server
decrypter = new message.Decrypter @keychain, true, 'asym'
decrypter.write packed
out = JSON.parse
@keys[dn] = [key[0], new Buffer(key[1])] for dn, key of out
@keychain.server = server
Creates a secure query on a given word. Any user can call this function.
is the current server state. (Buffer)word
the word to generate the query on… (See above.) createQuery: (state, word) ->
decrypter = new message.Decrypter @keychain, true, 'asym'
decrypter.write state
key = # Decrypt state to get the key.
query = super word
for domain, trpdrs of query # Encrypt query.
for i, trpdr of trpdrs
cipher = crypto.createCipher 'aes-256-ctr', key
cipher.write trpdr, 'base64'
query[domain][i] = 'base64'