stream = require 'stream'
stream = require 'stream'
A simple transform stream to add a newline onto the end of each packet. This is not binary safe.
are any options you want passed to the underlying readable and
writeable streams. Best left alone.class exports.EncodeByLine extends stream.Transform
constructor: (opts) ->
if not this instanceof exports.EncodeByLine
return new exports.EncodeByLine opts this, opts
_transform: (chunk, encoding, done) ->
@push chunk + "\n"
A simple transform stream to split data by its newlines. This is not binary safe.
are any options you want passed to the underlying readable and
writeable streams. Best left alone.class exports.DecodeByLine extends stream.Transform
constructor: (opts) ->
if not this instanceof exports.DecodeByLine
return new exports.DecodeByLine opts this, opts
@_lastLine = ""
_transform: (chunk, encoding, done) ->
data = @_lastLine + chunk.toString()
lines = data.split '\n'
@_lastLine = lines.splice(lines.length - 1, 1)[0]
@push line for line in lines
_flush: (done) ->
if @_lastLine.length isnt 0 then @push @_lastLine
@_lastLine = ""
Prepends the data’s length to each packet in a short. This is binary safe.
are any options you want passed to the underlying readable and
writeable streams. Best left alone.class exports.EncodeByLength extends stream.Transform
constructor: (opts) ->
if not this instanceof exports.EncodeByLength
return new exports.EncodeByLength opts this, opts
_transform: (chunk, encoding, done) ->
buff = new Buffer chunk.length + 2
buff.writeUInt16BE chunk.length, 0
if chunk instanceof Buffer then chunk.copy buff, 2
else buff.write chunk, 2, chunk.length, encoding
@push buff
Waits until an indicated number of bytes have been written before returning the data (without the short). This is binary safe.
are any options you want passed to the underlying readable and
writeable streams. Best left alone.class exports.DecodeByLength extends stream.Transform
constructor: (opts) ->
if not this instanceof exports.DecodeByLength
return new exports.DecodeByLength opts this, opts
@_buffer = new Buffer ''
_transform: (chunk, encoding, done) ->
if not Buffer.isBuffer chunk then chunk = new Buffer chunk, enc
@_buffer = Buffer.concat [@_buffer, chunk]
going = true
while going and @_buffer.length > 2
len = @_buffer.readUInt16BE 0
if @_buffer.length >= (len + 2)
temp = new Buffer len
@_buffer.copy temp, 0, 2, len + 2
@_buffer = @_buffer.slice len + 2
@push temp
else going = false