crypto = require 'crypto'
ursa = require 'ursa'
msgpack = require 'msgpack'
stream = require 'stream'
keyLib = require './key'
Buffer.prototype.toArray = -> this, 0
crypto = require 'crypto'
ursa = require 'ursa'
msgpack = require 'msgpack'
stream = require 'stream'
keyLib = require './key'
Buffer.prototype.toArray = -> this, 0
Standard and recommended class for encrypting and authenticating stream-like data.
is a hash of key-related data. May contain the following fields:key
- A random symmetric key, usually through
. If present, this key will be used on all
messages. If not present, a random key will be created for each message.public
- An array or hash of public keys. If a hash, the key’s owner
can be identified easier (by anybody—not just the owner). If present, a
keyring will be available to the owners of the corresponding private keys
that allows them to read the message without any previous knowledge of
the symmetric key.private
- An array or hash of private keys. If a hash, the key’s owner
can be identified easier (by anybody—not just the owner). If present,
asymmetric authentication can be used (signatures), which is publicly
is whether or not the data should be encrypted to prevent
eavesdropping. (Boolean)integrous
is the type of integrity that should be maintained. Can be
null (no integrity), “sym” (symmetric integrity, verifiable by others with
the secret key), and “asym” (asymmetric integrity, verifiable by anyone).
is the maximum size of a plaintext chunk (where it should be cut).
If you get strange errors, try lowering this below the default. (Number)class exports.Encrypter extends stream.Transform
constructor: (@keys, @confidential, @integrous, @cut = 14336) ->
if not this instanceof exports.Encrypter
return new exports.Encrypter @keys, @confidential, @integrous, @cut this, objectMode: true, decodeStrings: true
@leftover = new Buffer 0
if @confidential isnt true and @confidential isnt false
throw 'Confidential must be true or false.'
if @integrous? and @integrous isnt 'sym' and @integrous isnt 'asym'
throw 'Integrous must be null, sym, or asym.'
requiresKey = @confidential or @integrous is 'sym'
if requiresKey and not @keys.key? and not @keys.public?
throw 'No symmetric or public key.'
if @integrous is 'asym' and not @keys.private?
throw 'No private key to sign messages with.'
if not @confidential then @buffer = new stream.PassThrough()
else if @keys.key?
@buffer = crypto.createCipher 'aes-256-ctr', @keys.key
_transform: (dump, encoding, done) ->
while dump.length isnt 0 # Chop up dump.
len = if dump.length > @cut then @cut else dump.length
chunk = new Buffer len
dump.copy chunk
dump = dump.slice len
if not @keys.key? # Generate random key if needed.
key = keyLib.createRandom()
@buffer = crypto.createCipher 'aes-256-ctr', key
else key = @keys.key
@buffer.write chunk
data =
footer = {}
if @integrous is 'sym' # Calculate HMAC.
mac = crypto.createHmac 'sha512', key
mac.end data
footer.mac =
if @integrous is 'asym' # Calculate signature.
sigs = {}
footer.sigs = if @keys.private instanceof Array then [] else {}
sigs[k] = ursa.createSigner 'sha512' for k of @keys.private
sigs[k].update data for k of @keys.private
footer.sigs[k] = sigs[k].sign v for k, v of @keys.private
footer.sigs[k] = v.toArray() for k, v of footer.sigs
if @keys.public? # Calculate keyring.
footer.keys = if @keys.public instanceof Array then [] else {}
footer.keys[k] = v.encrypt key for k, v of @keys.public
footer.keys[k] = v.toArray() for k, v of footer.keys
footer = msgpack.pack footer
out = new Buffer 4 + data.length + footer.length
out.writeUInt16BE data.length, 0
data.copy out, 2, 0, data.length
out.writeUInt16BE footer.length, data.length + 2
footer.copy out, data.length + 4, 0, footer.length
more = @push out
if not more then return done()
_flush: (done) ->
@push if @leftover.length is 0 then null else @leftover
@leftover = new Buffer 0
Standard and recommended class for decrypting and verifying stream-like data.
is a hash of key-related data. May contain the following fields:key
- A random symmetric key, usually through
. If present, this key will be used on all
messages. If not present, a keyring must be present to decrypt messages.public
- An array or hash of public keys. If a hash, the key’s owner
can be identified easier. If present, they will be used to verify
- An array or hash of private keys. If a hash, the key’s owner
can be identified easier. If present, they will be used to derive
symmetric keys from a keyring.confidential
is whether or not the data should be encrypted to prevent
eavesdropping. Must match the Encrypter’s value. (Boolean)integrous
is the type of integrity that should be maintained. Can be
null (no integrity), “sym” (symmetric integrity, verifiable by others with
the secret key), and “asym” (asymmetric integrity, verifiable by anyone).
Must match the Encrypter’s value. (String)class exports.Decrypter extends stream.Transform
constructor: (@keys, @confidential, @integrous) ->
if not this instanceof exports.Decrypter
return new exports.Decrypter @keys, @confidential, @integrous this, decodeStrings: true
if @confidential isnt true and @confidential isnt false
throw 'Confidential must be true or false.'
if @integrous? and @integrous isnt 'sym' and @integrous isnt 'asym'
throw 'Integrous must be null, sym, or asym.'
requiresKey = @confidential or @integrous is 'sym'
if requiresKey and not @keys.key? and not @keys.private?
throw 'No symmetric or private key.'
if @keys.key? and @confidential
@cipher = crypto.createDecipher 'aes-256-ctr', @keys.key
else @cipher = new stream.PassThrough()
_transform: (chunk, encoding, done) ->
dlen = chunk.readUInt16BE 0
data = chunk.slice 2, 2 + dlen
flen = chunk.readUInt16BE 2 + dlen
footer = msgpack.unpack chunk.slice 4 + dlen
if not data? then return done 'No payload.'
if not footer.mac? and @integrous is 'sym' then return done 'No MAC.'
if not footer.sigs? and @integrous is 'asym' then return done 'No sigs.'
requiresKey = @confidential or @integrous is 'sym'
if requiresKey and not @keys.key? and not footer.keys?
return done 'No method of key derivation.'
key = null
if @keys.key? # Derive key if needed.
key = @keys.key
if footer.keys instanceof Array
for tag in footer.keys
for n, privKey of @keys.private
try key = privKey.decrypt tag
catch err then key = null
if key? then break
if key? then break
keys = (key for key of @keys.private when footer.keys[key]?)
if keys.length is 0
return done 'No valid keys for decryption.'
for k in keys
try key = @keys.private[k].decrypt new Buffer footer.keys[k]
catch err then key = null
if key? then break
if not key? then return done 'No key was successfully derived.'
if not @keys.key? # Intialize new cipher if needed.
@cipher = crypto.createDecipher 'aes-256-ctr', key
if @integrous is 'sym' # Verify an HMAC.
mac = crypto.createHmac 'sha512', key
mac.end new Buffer footer.mac
candidateTag = 'base64'
mac = crypto.createHmac 'sha512', key
mac.end data
tag =
mac = crypto.createHmac 'sha512', key
mac.end tag
tag = 'base64'
if candidateTag isnt tag then return done 'Bad MAC.'
if @integrous is 'asym' # Verify a signature.
ok = false
if footer.sigs instanceof Array
for sig in footer.sigs
sig = new Buffer sig
for pubKey in @keys.public
v = ursa.createVerifier 'sha512'
v.update data
ok = v.verify pubKey, sig, 'base64'
if ok then break
if ok then break
keys = (key for key of @keys.public when footer.sigs[key]?)
if keys.length is 0 then return done 'No valid keys for auth.'
for k in keys
v = ursa.createVerifier 'sha512'
v.update data
ok = v.verify @keys.public[k], new Buffer footer.sigs[k]
if ok then break
catch e
if not ok then return done 'Bad signature.'
@cipher.write data # Decrypt the message.
An implementation of Synthetic IV encryption. SIV is a method of deterministic and authenticated encryption, commonly used in encrypted databases and insecure keystores. This is because given data can be encrypted and used in a search for other related SIV encrypted information which can then be decrypted (unlike with a hash, for example). Because SIV is deterministic, only use it on data whose structure prevents repetition (like user ids, usernames, or randomly generated keys).
- Randomly generated symmetric key, usually through
- See above. Should be different from key1.class exports.SIVEncrypter extends stream.Transform
constructor: (@key1, @key2) ->
if not this instanceof exports.SIVEncrypter
return new exports.SIVEncrypter @key1, @key2 this, objectMode: true, decodeStrings: true
@leftover = new Buffer 0
_transform: (dump, encoding, done) ->
while dump.length isnt 0 # Chop up dump.
len = if dump.length > 16368 then 16368 else dump.length
chunk = new Buffer len
dump.copy chunk
dump = dump.slice len
hash = crypto.createHash 'sha256' # Calculate IV.
hash.end chunk
tag =
temp = crypto.createCipher 'aes-256-ctr', @key1
temp.end tag
iv = 0, 16
cipher = crypto.createCipheriv 'aes-256-ctr', @key2, iv # Encrypt.
cipher.end chunk
end = Buffer.concat [iv,]
more = @push end
if not more then return done()
_flush: (done) ->
@push if @leftover.length is 0 then null else @leftover
@leftover = new Buffer 0
An implementation of Synthetic IV decryption. See above.
class exports.SIVDecrypter extends stream.Transform
constructor: (@key1, @key2) ->
if not this instanceof exports.SIVDecrypter
return new exports.SIVDecrypter @key1, @key2 this, decodeStrings: true
_transform: (chunk, encoding, done) ->
iv = chunk.slice 0, 16
data = chunk.slice 16
decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv 'aes-256-ctr', @key2, iv # Decrypt
decipher.end data
pt =
hash = crypto.createHash 'sha256' # Authenticate by calculating IV
hash.end pt
tag =
temp = crypto.createCipher 'aes-256-ctr', @key1
temp.end tag
ivCand = 0, 16
if iv.toString('base64') isnt ivCand.toString('base64')
return done 'Failed auth.'
@push pt
An implementation of XTS encryption. XTS is size-preserving encryption used for randomly accessible data, like RAM or hard disks, which are split into sectors of fixed size. Because size must be preserved, no authentication can be used, meaning any ciphertext can be altered by an attacker and will still decrypt.
- Randomly generated symmetric key, usually through
- The size in bytes of each sector. If the size of the plaintext is
not divisible by the cut then 0x00s are appended.class exports.XTSEncrypter extends stream.Transform
constructor: (@key, @cut = 32) ->
if not this instanceof exports.XTSEncrypter
return new exports.XTSEncrypter @key, @cut this, decodeStrings: true
@cipher = crypto.createCipher 'aes-256-xts', @key
_transform: (dump, encoding, done) ->
while dump.length isnt 0 # Chop up dump.
chunk = new Buffer @cut
dump.copy chunk
dump = dump.slice @cut
@cipher.write chunk
An implementation of XTS decryption. See above.
class exports.XTSDecrypter extends stream.Transform
constructor: (@key, @cut = 32) ->
if not this instanceof exports.XTSDecrypter
return new exports.XTSDecrypter @key this, decodeStrings: true
@decipher = crypto.createDecipher 'aes-256-xts', @key
_transform: (dump, encoding, done) ->
while dump.length isnt 0 # Chop up dump.
chunk = new Buffer @cut
dump.copy chunk
dump = dump.slice @cut
@decipher.write chunk