crypto = require 'crypto'
stream = require 'stream'
hash = require './hash'
One-Time Signature schemes are digital signature mechanisms where each
keypair can be used at most once. They have a much lower signing and
verification cost than traditional signatures, making them ideal for
authenticating broadcast streams. Use at your own discretion.
Implemented here is HORS. Data of any length may be signed.
crypto = require 'crypto'
stream = require 'stream'
hash = require './hash'
Create a random key for a one-time signature. Outputs a random keypair in the form of [public key, private key]. It’s best not to change any of the arguments if you don’t know what they do.
is the length (in bytes) of the random strings generated.k
is the number of random objects to pull from the private key. (2 | k)t
is the number of random strings to generate. (t | 2^32)exports.generateKey = (l = 10, k = 20, t = 256) ->
[s, v] = [[], []]
s.push crypto.randomBytes(l) until s.length is t
v[i] = hash.chain(si, 1, 'sha1').slice(0, l) for si, i in s
[[k, v], [k, s]]
Class for generating one-time signatures. Sign objects are writable streams.
The data written is used to generate the signature. Once all of the data has
been written, the sign
method will return the signature. It’s best not to
change any of the arguments if you don’t know what they do.
class exports.Sign extends stream.Writable
constructor: ->
if not this instanceof exports.Sign then return new exports.Sign() this
@hash = crypto.createHash 'sha1'
_write: (chunk, encoding, cb) -> @hash.write chunk, encoding, cb
Calculates the signature on all the updated data passed through the sign.
is the private key to sign with. sign: (privKey) ->
out =
[j, sig] = [0, []]
until j is privKey[0]
n = out.readUInt8(j) % privKey[1].length
sig.push privKey[1][n]
Class for verifying one-time signatures. Verify objects are writable streams.
The data written is used to verify the signature. Once all of the data has
been written, the verify
method will return true if the supplied signature
is valid. It’s best not to change any of the arguments if you don’t know what
they do.
class exports.Verify extends stream.Writable
constructor: ->
if not this instanceof exports.Verify then return new exports.Verify() this
@hash = crypto.createHash 'sha1'
_write: (chunk, encoding, cb) -> @hash.write chunk, encoding, cb
Verifies the signed data. Returns true or false depending on validity.
is the public key to verify with.signature
is the candidate signature. verify: (pubKey, sig) ->
out =
[j, i] = [0, []]
until j is pubKey[0]
n = out.readUInt8(j) % pubKey[1].length
cand = hash.chain(sig[j], 1, 'sha1').slice(0, pubKey[1][0].length)
if cand.toString('hex') isnt pubKey[1][n].toString('hex')
return false
return true